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How To Apply Artificial Acrylic Nail

Posted by naileye at Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Author: Cosmetics Fairy

Beautiful nails are a desired enhancement to feminine beauty, but many ladies may have trouble attaining them. If nature did not bless you with wonderfully strong, healthy nails, you can still enjoy the glamorous look that long and painted nails can give you. All you have to do is apply strong and durable acrylic nails over your own nails.

You can find a service for acrylic nail application at nail salons. It is an expensive option. It is not as expensive for you to apply the acrylic nails yourself. By following instructions and with practice, you can apply your acrylic nails with the same care and great results that you can get from a nail professional.

As for supplies, you will need non-acetone nail polish remover, artificial nail tips, liquid acrylic, powdered acrylic and nail oil. Your equipment needs to include a nail brush, nail files, nail filing block, acrylic nipper, small acrylic brush and a working dish for the acrylic liquid. Choose acrylic nail tips that are the same size as your own nails or you will have to file the nails down.

Give your nails a manicure. Smooth rough edges and remove dead skin. Use a non-acetone nail polish remover to remove nail polish and acrylic. Use the filing block to roughen your nail surfaces. Cut the nails to the skin portion. Do not injure yourself. You want to prevent your nail from being broken if the acrylic nail tip is broken.

Line up your acrylic nail tips so that you can reach them easily when you are ready to put a drop of glue on the tip. The glue drop should reach from the bottom of the nail to the indentation where your nail's edge will fit in. You can remove a crooked acrylic nail by immediately soaking it in water.

Use the acrylic nippers or a large nail clipper to trim the tips to your desired length. Use the nail file to remove any rough edges and to even out the lengths of your nail tips. Use the liquid acrylic in a well-ventilated area. You will paint the liquid acrylic on to your nails so that the beds will be smooth without any bumps where the edge of the acrylic nail tips rests on your nail.

You will be dipping the acrylic brush into the liquid acrylic and then into the acrylic powder that will create a ball of thickened acrylic on your brush. Paint the acrylic onto your nail so that you can create a smooth finish for your acrylic nail tips.

Have the acrylic powder container open. Prepare the acrylic brush by dipping the brush into the liquid acrylic and then wiping it on a paper towel to remove excess liquid. Then lightly dip half of the brush into the liquid acrylic and then remove the excess by wiping against the inside of the liquid acrylic bottle.

You are ready to dip the brush tip into the acrylic powder. When you do, you will create a ball of thickened acrylic. It should be damp instead of wet. Paint this thickened acrylic where the acrylic nail tip is on your nail. Work quickly to spread the acrylic onto your nail surface without flattening the acrylic. Wipe the brush on the paper towel to remove any excess acrylic.

Continue working until you have built up the surface to resemble the curve of your own nail bed. Apply a bit at the tip of the nail to create a natural look as necessary. Avoid getting acrylic on your cuticles because mold or fungus could grow under the nail at that spot.

It will take about ten minutes for your nails to dry and set. You can safely use a grit nail file on the sides of the dried and set nails and close to the cuticle bed to shape your nails. Use the filing block to smooth your nails. Remove any acrylic filings and dust by washing with soapy water and using a brush. The exposure to the harsh chemicals requires that you moisturize your nails with nail oil. As your nails grow out, you will need to paint more acrylic on to your nails every two weeks.

Tags: Nail Polish, Artificial Nails, Hand Painted Nail Art

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/

Improve your Eye Health With Natural Remedies

Posted by naileye at

Author: Rudy Silva

Eye diseases like cataract, glaucoma, detached retina or myopia all come from weakness and inflammation in the tissues that compose and surround the eye. Most doctors don't really know what to say to you on how to improve your eye health. They don't know how you can strengthen and protect your eyes from becoming disease or if you have an eye disease how to improve your condition.

In 1985, I develop detached retina in my right eye and my left eye had weakness.

The day I went to the eye specialist in Palo Alto to see why part of my vision was dark, I didn't go home for 3 day. The very moment the doctor examine my eyes, he said "You need to go to the hospital right now and have surgery tonight." Was I scared? Definitely!
Was the surgery a success? Yes it was. But not until I went through a 5 hour laser surgery procedure, had a needle pushed into my eye as I looked straight at it, and had an in house laser procedure of 50 pulses.

Months later I asked my eye doctor what I could do to improve my eye health and to keep them strong. There was silence and my question was never answered. He just didn't know.
Since that time, I become a nutritionist and have learn many things about keeping eyes healthy and I plan to write an e-report so that I can pass that information on to many of you that want to avoid losing your good eye sight as you become older.

Right now I want to give you only one thing you can do for your eye health. I want to give you a formula on how you can make your own eye drops made out of MSM. As you recall in the last newsletter, I mentioned MSM eye drops that you can use it in your ears to keep them flexible. Well, MSM eye drops are the best drops you can use in your eyes to:
" strengthen them
" prevent glaucoma
" prevent cataract,
" keep them young
" dissolve mucus accumulation
" keep your eyes moist
" correct dryness
" relieve strain
" relieve red eye
" clear up pink eye
" clear up sties
" clears up eye infections
" tie up free damaging free radical
" tie up destructive proteins

The best part about MSM eye drops is that they are not addictive like many of the eye drops that you find at the drug store.

Look, can you ask any more of this eye drop solution? Yes you can. The second best part about MSM eye drops is that they are really cheap. You can buy it already make for around $5. Of course, you only get one ounce. The shipping cost more than the product.

Here's what I buy when I make it myself:
" a 2 or 4 ounce brown eye dropper bottle
" torpedo MSM tablets of 1000 mg per tablet
" saline solution that I use for my contact lens and that's it.
Here's how to make it:
" Boil the eye dropper bottle with stem and rubber top for 10 minute
" After boiling, rinse out the inside of the bottle, stem, and rubber cap with distilled water.
" fill the bottle with 80% saline solution.
" add two to four MSM torpedoes making it 2000 to 4000 mg.
" Let the MSM dissolve and it's ready for use.

Only one warning, just start with only two torpedoes. Then test it on your eye by dropping one drop into your eye. You will feel a little bit of a sting. Keep adding a torpedo until the sting is not too severe or to slight. I use 4 torpedoes since I am use to the sting. I also add a drop of 98% Aloe Vera gel, since aloe has an antibacterial property and it promotes cell regeneration. Of course, adding aloe makes it sting more but this will not damage your eye. Just go slow and add mall amount of aloe until you get the effect you can live with.

This is a real nice eye drop and excellent for your eye health. It is best to make it yourself, since it can be done when ever you need it. I use it all the time before I put my contacts lens, when I have my contacts on, and after I take them off. Have fun doing this and if you have children show them what you are doing.

Tags: Eye Health, Healthy Eyes, Msm Eye Drops

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/

The Ever Changing Fashion Market

Posted by naileye at Saturday, January 5, 2008

Author: carolyn

Fashion is a funny thing; it’s made up of clothes, shoes, bags and other accessories people wear throughout the year on themselves. The clothes you buy from a clothes shop, a supermarket or even online shops the range will have something to do with the current fashion.

There’s always a new fashion item coming out especially to the start of each season from winter to summer to autumn to spring. It’s not only clothes and accessories to go with them that are fashion items but also hair and make-up. Hair has become an important statement in many people, especially if a celebrity has a new hair cut, it suddenly gets into the limelight and everyone seems to go and have their version of the hairstyle created. The most recent craze of hairstyle is definitely the Pob which Victoria Beckham introduced after getting rid of those hair extensions. She is continuously changing the Pobs colour and cut and many people copy this style making this a fashion statement.

Celebrities are the main fashion victims, they take it very seriously if a designer says this is this season’s look of course they will be wearing it. I think fashion has become more important in young adults due to the celebrities always sporting the fashion items. High street shops are always making their own version of the hot item for the season at a much cheaper price than the real thing, which attracts more people to buy it. Problem is the more people who buy the item the more likely you are to wear the same thing as another person at a party or shopping in town. So why not be different and individual, create your own style if you want just use on piece of fashion and mix other items together.

Brands become successful as people buy their clothing, bags, shoes and accessories after seeing them in magazines as the hottest item of the month. The more the brands advertise the more likely they are to have high sales. The companies use clever tricks to get customers to buy their products with special offers and limited edition items. Many brands charge high prices that celebrities and high earners can only afford but there are some people who don’t care what the price is the higher the better in some sense, buying an item just because of the name on the item, getting them in debt with the use of credit cards. These companies are able to return premium profits for themselves at the cost of the customers.

With the ever changing fashion circle you can buy one item of clothing and its out already, it continuously changes from country to country, climate to climate and date to date. Fashion from the 70’s has recently been in fashion again in the last year so it’s amazing how fashions do come back. I had an item of clothing my mum said she wore when she was around my age too, so it proves fashion is an ever changing circle.

Tags: Fashion, Celebrities, Fashion Clothing, Hairstyles, Fashion Shoes, Fashion Branding, Fashions Bags

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com

An Overview of Laser Eye Surgery

Posted by naileye at Friday, January 4, 2008

Author: Charles Moore

In past generations, as soon as an eyesight specialist discovered that you had bad eyesight there was no way of getting rid of it - in modern times this is no longer true. Looking for a way to get rid of glasses, eye doctors searched for a way to fix poor eyesight - and eventually created LASIK.

LASIK stands for Laser Assisted in Situ Keratomileusis, which is a form of refractive eye surgery. While contact lenses can be used, LASIK solves the hassle completely.

In the past, metal blades were used to make the corneal flap, nowadays a laser is used- speeding up the process. In modern times, the excimer laser is used; invented by Dr. Bhaumik in May, 1973. As soon as the ultraviolet excimer laser was discovered capable of remodeling tissue while leaving no heat damage to the surrounding area, scientific discoveries in the use of the excimer laser for eye surgeries were made, meaning today's procedures are a lot less complicated than those of the past. While problems existed in the past, these have since been solved and minimal problems today are had with LASIK eye surgery.

Even though LASIK is a procedure that fixes poor eyesight by altering the cornea, it is not as difficult as other forms of surgery. LASIK is done in two parts; and as it does not hurt much it can be performed while the patient is awake (although a sedative is often used). In the first part, a corneal flap of tissue is made using a special laser, and for the second part, the cornea is altered in order to fix poor eyesight. Due to a laser being used, the cornea is "deceived"; it does not know it has been operated upon and thus many of the mishaps of old eye surgery (such as corneal haze) are removed.

The total procedure takes less than 30 minutes. The laser system includes a large machine with a microscope and an attached computer screen. The laser is used to remove corneal tissue based on measurements taken at your initial evaluation. After the procedure your vision may be hazy or blurry. This will improve considerably within the first few days. Plan on taking a few days from work until symptoms are gone. A follow up visit is scheduled within the first 24 to 48 hours after surgery to test your vision and examine your eyes and regular scheduled interval check ups for at least six months.

After Lasik laser or refractive surgery your vision will stabilize within one or two weeks. But it may take a several months to continue to improve. You may experience glare and night blindness may during this time. Risks with Lasik laser eye surgery are visual aberrations especially in low light, over or under-corrected and additional surgery enhancement may be needed, regressive in the treatment this is uncommon, dry eye symptom which may require medication for tear production, in rare cases vision may worsen that cannot be corrected. You should contact your eye doctor immediately if any of these conditions occur or worsen.

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/

Beautiful Nails Tips

Posted by naileye at Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Author: Juliet Cohen

Nails are made of keratin an object in the body. Nails grow at an average rate of 0.01 centimeters a day. Caring for nails is equally important as taking care and pampering all the other body parts. Nails keep on growing so one need to regularly clean them and keep them in shape. Smoking damages nails very badly so one should avoid smoking or should cut off the intake to keep oneself healthy and to keep the nails healthy. Women do wear long artificial nails matching with their outfits to make their fingers look different and they do different art work on the nails to make them appear unique by using gels, colors, sequins on them. Women who always keep color coated on the nails too spoil the health of their nails. Shaping and cutting nails perfectly needs a little practice and patience. Keeping your nails trimmed and shaped properly helps to create a glamorous look to your hands.

Nail polish can help your hands look younger, smoother and even thinner. If you want beautyful and health nail eating a healthy diet. It is important to include certain vitamins in your daily diet to ensure that your nails are healthy and look beautiful. Every day apply a little bit of lime juice on your nails and let it rest there for 5 to 10 minutes. To avoid this unhygienic condition, remove the dirt with carbon papers or thick clothes. Never use sharper objects to remove dirt from your nails as it would break the nails. Supplement your diet with spirulina and kelp to make your nails strong. The water can work as a beautifying agent as well as a destructive aid for nails. Vitamin B12 deficiency can lead to dryness, very rounded and curved ends or darkening of nails. Red skin around cuticles indicates poor metabolism of essential fatty acids.

Beautiful and Health Nails Tips

1. Eat protein rich food for white bands across the nails.

2. Deficiency of hydrochloric acid causes nails to split.

3. Deficiency of vitamin B 12 can lead to dryness, rounded and curved ends and darkening of nails.

4. Eat food rich in zinc to prevent white spots on the nails.

5. Poor metabolism of essential fatty acids causes red skin around the cuticles.

6. Eat food rich in sulfur and silicon like broccoli, fish, and onions.

7. Eat food rich in biotin such as soy, brewer’s yeast and whole grains.

8. Drink plenty of water and fresh fruit juices.

9. Drink fresh carrot juice as often as possible as it is rich in calcium and phosphorus and good for strengthening the nails.

10. For dry and brittle nails eat food that is rich in vitamin A and calcium.

11. For hangnails eat food rich in protein, vitamin C and folic acid.

12. Supplement your diet with spirulina and kelp to make your nails strong.

13. Use Blue Tinged Translucent Polish.

Tags: Nail Polish, Beautiful Nails, Nail Care Tips, Healthy Nails Tips, Caring Your Nails

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/

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