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Lasik Eye Care: Stop Wearing Eye Glasses And Contact Lenses.

Posted by naileye at Wednesday, April 30, 2008

By: Paul Courtney

The majority of us who suffer from astigmatism, hyperopia, and myopia can literally have our vision restored to a perfect 20/20, no need for eye glasses nor those annoying contact lenses. Anymore.

As you are probably aware lasers can be found in many applications such as when we check out library books, a laser gun or pen scans their codes with lightning speed. When we make purchases at a department store or supermarket, a laser reads the bar code on a product, in the blink of an eye. Also, police officers use a special hand held laser device, to determine when motorists are exceeding a certain area’s speed limit.. These applications have been around for a while. Now, lasers have even influenced the treatment of eye conditions, in the form of LASIK eye care.

What is a LASIK?

LASIK stands for Laser-Assisted in Situ Keratomileusis. This is the latest tool available to Ophthalmologists to perform refractive laser eye surgery to correct the following common eye conditions:

1. astigmatism (slightly irregular shape of the front of the eye),
2. hyperopia (farsightedness),
3. myopia (nearsightedness).

The Lasik procedure is painless and typically requires less recovery time for the patient, than other vision-corrective surgeries.

LASIK May Be Right For You

If you decide to look into this method of eye care particular steps should be taken to determine if you are an ideal candidate for LASIK eye care. An ophthalmologist should first assess your eyes, to learn how healthy they are, what variety of vision correction you require. If all is well the amount of material that the laser should remove from the eye’s surface is determined. Normally, your physician will examine your eyes for symptoms of eye disease. If any problems are found they must be eliminated prior to your receiving LASIK eye care.

The mapping of the eye’s surface is usually done by a special machine which photographs your eye so as to “map” your cornea surface. to create the most precise mapping of abnormalities that are influencing your vision.

Finally, prior to the implementation of LASIK eye care it is necessary to determine if you are an ideal LASIK candidate, questions will need to be answered as to what medications you are taking, or other problems you have related to your health. Some health concerns will require LASIK surgery to be delayed, while others totally prohibit you from undergoing the procedure.

The Odds Of 20/20 And 20/40 Vision

Unfortunately, there is no central database which reveals LASIK’s vision results. The results of the procedure are primarily founded on different clinical studies. These studies related to the vision outcomes of LASIK do not share the same components. They reveal how many achieve 20/20 (perfect) vision, or 20/40 vision—the minimum visual clarity required to obtain a driver’s license.

These studies are usually carried out immediately after the LASIK eye care procedure, again several days later and after one, three, and six month intervals. This accounts for vision alterations after surgery.

Look, it is not for everybody, but if you are one of the fortunate ones why not go through LASIK eye care, have your vision restored and get rid of those eye glasses and contact lenses today.

Source: www.Isnare.com

Nail Fungus (Onychomycosis) – An Overview Of Nail Fungus Infection

Posted by naileye at Sunday, April 6, 2008

By: Darren W

oes the term Onychomycosis (on-ee-koh-my-ko-sis) sound bad to you? Wait till you see it. But better make sure they won’t be on your own nails or you might not want to see your fingers for a time. To give you an overview, Onychomycosis is the scientific name for nail fungal infection. This type of nail abnormality is caused by the bacterium called dermatophyte or tinea unguium, of which sources include yeasts and molds. This bacterium is also the source of such skin infections as athlete’s foot, jock itch, and the common ringworm.

Onychomycosis is 50 per cent more common than other nail disorders. It consists of several subtypes: Distal Subungual Onychomycosis (this takes place when the fungus affects the nailbed); White Superficial Onychomycosis (happens when the fungus forms "white islands" on the outer layers of the nail bed); Proximal Subungual Onychomycosis (if the fungus seeps through the proximal nail fold); Candidal Onychomycosis (is caused by the bacterium candida, when the nails are overexposed in water); Total Dystrophic Onychomycosis (when the nail plate is completely ruined).

Normally, men are more prone to nail fungal infection than women. Nail fungi can actually infect anyone but those with diabetes or leukemia should take extra care, the same goes for adults especially ages 60 and above. Having declining immune system and troubled blood circulation is what makes them more vulnerable.

This infection is characterized by the thickening and discoloration (yellow, white, or black of the nails. Minor pain is felt in the infected area while the nail slowly detaches from its plate. This kind of fungus easily spawns in warm and moist areas, thus, always finding settlement under our toenails and seldom on the fingernails.

How does the nail get contaminated? Nail fungal infection are anaerobic microorganisms, which means that they thrive in warm and wet areas. The little supply of oxygen keeps them surviving making our nails the safest place for them to breed. They feed on the keratin substance of the nails and slowly destroy them.

Usually, walking barefoot in public swimming pools, communal shower rooms, and gyms gives them access to your toenails, while overexposing your hands to water and harmful chemicals allow the bacteria to grow in your fingernails. To cure the infection, consult a specialist at the early stages of growth. There are common oral and topical treatments that doctors commonly prescribe such as Lamisil, Penlac, Tinactin, and lacquer, among others.

If you are a fan of alternative medicines, vinegar works well as anti-fungal remedy. Soaking the infected part in vinegar for 15-20 minutes twice daily until the infection heals kills the bacteria because of its strong acid contact. Applying Vicks VapoRub on the area is also a popular treatment.

Meanwhile, the rules for preventing nail fungal infection are easy. Three simple ways: Keep your hands and feet dry and apply foot powder on your feet if you must; never walk barefoot in wet, public places; and most importantly, maintain good hygiene. Then, you are guaranteed to be fungi-proof but for awhile.

Link: http://www.isnare.com/?aid=246870&ca=Medicines+and+Remedies

Acrylic Nails: A New Trend In Nail Care

Posted by naileye at Saturday, April 5, 2008

By: Rachel Lynn

Acrylic nails are made in many shapes and colors. The designs are catered to the customer’s taste. The acrylic nails are applied especially for special occasions, but there are also many women using acrylic nails daily, like a part of their regular beauty routine. Short, brittle nails are often a disadvantage and applying new long and strength nails is sometimes a good initiative.

Some people are biting their nails; it is a habit difficult to break. Applying acrylic nails make this habit harmless; many people can forget about biting nails then. Those artificial nails pasted onto the real nails are improving the hand’s aspect and are protecting the owner from biting. Your new nails will even compliment your hand jewelry.The materials are hard enough and impossible to chew. It is easy to split or break natural nails; artificial acrylic nails, pasted on the real ones, can protect the natural nails. Maintaining natural nails can be, for many people, difficult enough. The artificial nails must be maintained bi-weekly; it is a more comfortable and quick way to have beautiful nails all the time.

Nail technicians are recommending caring artificial nails like the natural ones. This means to not expose the acrylic nails to water for long time. The water can seep in between the natural and acrylic nails, causing problems and maybe infections. If the nails are applied using high quality materials, the user can go about their usual routines without worry, but they must wear rubber gloves when they are washing dishes,

Most nail technicians do believe that any damage caused due to the fixture of acrylic mails could lead to unwanted problems for natural growth of nails.

Acrylic nails are made mixing a powder and a liquid. Nail technicians shape into place and paint the nails using this mixture. Here is a nice beauty related site http://www.beautycap.com. The liquid recommended by the best professionals’ artificial nails technicians is Ethyl Methacrilate, or EMA. It is more expensive than Methyl Metacrylate, or MMA, commonly used because it is cost-effective. MMA is connected to series of harmful side effects, like skin irritation, or irregular nail growth. Most nails artists urge the clients to use EMA, because its quality is superior. Some excellent materials, proper pasted nails and appropriate care insure the women that their nails will enhance their hands with elegance, style and safety.

Once care and maintenance are in place, the problem is to have an appropriate nail color, design and trend. French manicure is a very popular design: a simply natural nail color and white tips. The color complements any out fir, so this combination is very popular. Some clients are daring to play with color, so the nail artists are creating a plethora from designs, from stars to teddy bears.

Some clients prefer to add a little sparkle in addition to the color, design and trends. There are inserts that can be imbedded right into the acrylic. Tiny gems and stickers’ that come in a large range of shapes, design and colors are the most common. There is also another current: the nail piercing. The nail is pierced by a nail technician with jewelry. This procedure is impossible on natural nails.

A nail application service takes about an hour. To realize the acrylic nail maintenance to the nails salon takes usually about twenty minutes. The visit must be done bi-weekly. the maintenance being cost-effective and brief.

Permanent Link: http://www.isnare.com/?aid=82778&ca=Womens+Interest

Do It Yourself Nail Care

Posted by naileye at Friday, April 4, 2008

By: Daniel Smith

In my own opinion the nails on the fingers as well as on the toes actually reflect how hygienic a person is. It shows just how concerned a particular person is when it comes to cleanliness. With the busy schedules most women may be leading, it is common for most to neglect having their nails get the regular manicure and pedicure. You can actually have to die for nails at a fraction of the price and in the comfort of your own home with this nail care guide.

If you want to clean your nails it is best to remove and wipe off any nail polish that may be remaining on your nails. Soak a cotton ball with a nail polish remover or acetone and apply on nails.

Long nails are great to look at but nails of just the right length would be ideal. Cut and trim your nails with a nail cutter based on your desired length. Toe nails though are better if they are snipped short.

The nail cutter does not all the time give straight cuts so refine your nail’s cut with the use of either a nail file or emery board whichever one you have. It is best to file in one direction instead of going back and forth which have the tendency to cause your nail to break. The direction of filing should be from the outside towards the center. A square cut that is somewhat oval in shape as well is ideal to avoid ingrown nails which can be very painful.

To remove unwanted cuticle, rub a solution of cuticle remover and gently push it with a pusher. If you know how to use a nipper, you can slowly cut them as well but you have to be extra careful because an incorrect way may cause infections. It is best to have your cuticles cut by a professional. Soaking your fingers and toes with the cuticle remover in warm water helps speed up the softening of your cuticles.

Before any color application a base coat is important to help protect your nails as well as prevent it from absorbing the color. Before applying nail color rub the bottle between your palms to prevent clumps. Apply a first coat allow to dry before doing another coat. Prevent smudges by applying nail color in a single direction. A topcoat is then applied to help maintain the shine as well as prevent chipping.

Link: http://www.isnare.com/?aid=150510&ca=Internet

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